Mobile News, A New Age: Comparing Tweetbot vs Feedly on iOS


With the booming age of social media platforms in the 21st century, news consumption has become even more developed with the effortlessness of searching up keywords or trends on the Internet to draw upon thousands of sources. Journalists can easily release breaking news or discover new stories at any given time with the influx of social media on the scene. This report aims to compare the affordances of Tweetbot for iPhone versus Feedly in the world of mobile news consumption and how it may affect certain journalistic issues.


Storify: A New Way of Reaching the Masses

Introducing Storify

Storify first appeared in the journalism scene back in September 2010, being an invite-only site at first which then became open to public in April 2011. This particular social network tool aims to collect and curate stories scattered across a various range of social media and then arranges the collected pieces into a full story, provided with your own narrative.

Figure 1-1: Storify’s homepage, where you can check out the collection of pieces done by people and organizations around the world.
